How to Master Forex Trading Psychology
Forex trading psychology is different for different traders based on the experience and stability one has in the forex market. You can use many psychological exercises, tips and techniques while trading forex.
The Foreign exchange market comprises intelligent bankers, fund managers, multi-million investors and amateur traders. In the world of Forex Trading, there are three prominent personalities that you will come across in the beginning.
These are the Forex Trader, the Forex Market Maker and the Forex Professional. When I first started Forex Trading, it was the end of the rainbow for me.
There were times that I would lose a lot of money, and other times that I would make a ton of money. But at the same time, there would always be a nagging feeling that something is wrong, that I am making too much or buying too low.
The funny thing is that my emotions did not stop me from getting into forex trading. However, they helped me find better ways to manage my emotions and make better trading strategies.
For instance, when I was young, I used to get angry at the markets if things were not going my way. It seemed like everyone in the market was trying to rip me off or at least make me feel guilty for making bad decisions. So the key to improving your forex trading mindset is to change how you perceive these emotions.
Here's a quick look at what you'll read
There are three prominent personalities the Forex Trader, the Forex Market Maker and the Forex Professional. All three follow different trading psychology to get desired results.
Your decision-making strategies are a direct result of your trading psychology. If you have a positive forex trading mindset, you will most likely do better than someone who does not.
When learning how to make decisions with your trading capital, you must apply psychological principles to your trades. You must realize how to manage your capital and limit your losses.
- Copying traders blindly
- Greed- Another psychology
What Forex trading psychology does?
Your decision-making strategies are a direct result of your trading psychology. The same holds for trading forex. If you have a positive forex trading mindset, you will most likely do better than someone who does not.
There is a widespread belief that the emotions of traders drive the markets. I do not doubt that this is true. However, the markets are also run by technical analysis indicators, which are nothing more than patterns in the market.

If you want to become a successful trader, you must apply some forex psychology. You will need to learn how to manage your emotions and apply the right decision-making strategies.
By learning how to manage your emotions, you will see where your errors are coming from. After that, take the necessary corrective action. Many traders get caught up in the emotion of anger and regretting a trade.
It makes traders lose money because they did not use psychology to their advantage. Let’s face it, there are people on the trading floors that are emotional. Making decisions based on their emotions more than anything else.
While this is not good for the markets, trading for those without any trading background seems like child’s play. It will be very difficult for new traders to learn how to make rash decisions when their emotional sensitivity has them focusing on every little drop and every little pore.
What is the psychology of Experienced traders and inexperienced trader
When learning how to make decisions with your trading capital, you must apply psychological principles to your trades. You must realize how to manage your capital and limit your losses. While at the same time having sufficient capital to cover any losses that occur. It is the essence of Forex trading psychology.
If you do not believe traders can do this, you may want to rethink the volume of trades you have performed recently or even the number of times you have entered and exited the market. The psychology behind the forex trading discipline is imperative to becoming a successful trader.
In most cases, the experienced traders are always on the advantage side, having the best experience. In comparison, the newbie with limited experience is mostly on the disadvantaged side.
Sometimes new traders lose money because of Forex trading myths or mistakes committed. They usually become sacrificial for the more experienced traders. Forex traders who experience losses do not lose but cannot overcome the psychology.
Factors affecting your psychology
Follow Blindly Forex Trading psychology
The “follow blindly” Forex psychology is one of the most common weaknesses of Forex traders. They tend to react fearlessly whenever breaking news, and fundamental analysis movements.
Also, they immediately rush to be the first to enter the market. They worry too much that others are profiting from the news while they are not.
Following the trends is the number one rule in Forex trading. But it does not mean you have to be the first to enter the market when trends change.
Sometimes this breaking news does not dictate the forecast of the trading. You have to analyze if it significantly impacts the trading prices. These data are often false alarms and will put you in a losing position.
It is essential to overcome your eagerness to enter first. You have all the time to analyze the impact of this breaking news and then enter the trade.
Greed- Another psychology
Another psychological factor that affects your profits and losses is called greed. Greed in Forex trading is often the downfall of traders because traders tend to buy a currency with a lower price than its actual value.
They think that if they purchase it at a lower price. It will eventually go up in value and profit from this trade. While this is generally good practice, it is just as easy to lose a great deal of money from this move as well.
One way to overcome this problem is to learn how to apply psychological factors in your decision-making process. It is done by using proper risk management and proper planning.

The most common forex trading psychology tip is to remain prepared and plan your trades; you can increase your chances of making the right decisions and limiting your risks. These are two of the most important trading psychology exercises, and mastering these two coping strategies will significantly increase your chance for success.
Bottom Line
As per the information, 90% of traders lose money in the forex market. Forex trading psychology plays a major role in the success and failure of traders in financial trading. You can learn about this psychology from our paid forex trading psychology courses.
If a trader follows negative psychology, there are high chances of loss; if a trader follows positive psychology, then there are high chances of profit. Even if they suffer loss, they can turn it into profit due to their posit. So a positive trading mindset is essential in a journey to become a successful trader.