How to do fundamental analysis of company

How to do Fundamental Analysis of a Company

Fundamental analysis is essential to determine a company’s financial health and growth. Now the question arises of how to do fundamental analysis of a company.

There are two types of fundamental analysis which include qualitative and quantitive. The qualitative fundamentals include Business models, Organization management, competitor analysis etc.

Quantitative fundamental involves Balance sheets, cash flow statements, income statements, financial ratios, etc.

Here's a quick look at what you'll read

  • Business Model
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Industry Type
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Return on assets (ROA)
  • Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio
  • Return on equity (ROE)
  • Debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio

Understanding the fundamental analysis of a company

Qualitative Fundamental Analysis

Business Model

A business model defines a company’s strategy to make a profit. It helps to recognize the products or services and the business methods to sell; it also identifies the target market and other expected expenses.

Business models are essential for both new and existing established companies. They help develop companies that attract new talent and motivate staff management and investment.


Established businesses should update their methods regularly, or they will fail to predict challenges and trends. The business methods help the investors to consider the companies that interest customers.

Understanding company Business Models

Before doing any fundamental analysis of stocks or indices, first, we need to understand the company’s business model. A business model is a high-level method that helps run a business profitably in a certain marketplace.

A major business model element gives the value proposition to its client. It means defining a company’s goods or services and why they are engaging clients. In a perfect world, it expresses itself in a way that determines the product or service from its competitors.

A business model of new companies should also cover the cost of newly launched startup and financing sources, the target customer base for the right business marketing plan, a competition review and points of revenues and expenses. The strategy may also represent the multiple options for the business to partner with another existing company.

Business Model Fundamental Analysis Example:- For an advertising business, the business may determine the advantages of an account for referrals to and from a printing company. Successful businesses have a company model that meets the client’s requirements at a competitive and bearable cost.

Over time, many businesses change their business models to remember the market’s varying business conditions and demands.

Competitors Analysis

A major way of fundamental analysis is to take advantage of competitors. It means an element that enables a company to form goods or services more reasonably than its competitors.

These elements enable the effective entity to create more sales or margins than market competitors. Competitive advantages are assigned to numerous markets involving cost design, branding, product quality, distribution network, intelligent property, and customer service.

What provides this business with a benefit over its competitors?

If you are wondering how to do fundamental analysis of competitors you need to first determine if your business delivers something more than its competitors. Or does it provide the same thing but more effectively?

Once a business has dynamically established its competitive benefits, possibly through evolving a household brand or delivering a product that overlooks the market, its position may appear secure.

In these circumstances, the business can usually grow and maintain profitability for a sustained period, and as an investor, you can gather the advantages. But don’t get arrogant. All good things often come to an end someday.

Competitor fundamental analysis example

A successful business will typically need to develop to remain forward of its rivals. If it seems to be resting on its laurels or driving out of fresh ideas, these are warning signals that crises could be becoming.

Let’s take the example of HMV. In this situation, a top high-street retailer worked hard to adjust as the marketplace transformed. With consumers increasingly streaming the music instead of purchasing the cassette, HMV’s core business was crushed. Due to the lacking of a backup plan, the company ended.

Industry Type

This straightforward question can be surprising to answer in some issues. However, various companies have extreme offers at their core, like selling clothing, groceries items or commodities with difficult or strange business ideas that take time to know.

For example, various technology-based companies deliver hardware or software for a certain purpose. Their markets may be anonymous unless you are interested in selling or utilizing the product.

In order to understand the concept of how to do fundamental analysis of a company, it is important to identify the type of company, whether it is service-based or product base. And to conduct a detailed study of the product and services. It helps the investor to find out whether to invest in it or not.

Quantitative Fundamental Analysis

Financial Statement: These are the statements prepared based on quantitative data of the company. It is used to determine whether the company is financially sound or not. Financial statements include

Balance Sheet: Fundamental analysis involves the study of the balance sheet. The statement has two sides Liabilities and asset side. It is a must to balance both sides of the statement.

Cash Flow Statement: It is a statement that defines the cash outflows and inflows of a company. It includes cash from operating, investing and financing activities.
The main aim of the fundamental analysis is to identify whether a company’s spending is less than the return. If a company’s cash inflow exceeds the outflow, it is financially sound.


Financial Ratio: The company’s financial ratios are another important instrument for quantitative analysis or technical analysis.

The major ratios to analyze the company are return on assets (ROA), price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, return on equity (ROE), debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio, etc.

Bottom Line

You have understood the importance of fundamental analysis and how to do it for a company. However, it is a must to use correct information during analysis; otherwise, the whole result gets affected.

Fundamental analysis is important not only for a company but also for investors and stockholders. It helps them to find out various essential information about the company which may affect their investing decisions.


  1. Hossam Ali October 26, 2022
  2. Carlos Smith April 14, 2023

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